Cognitive Health in Multiple Sclerosis Research Lab

Cognitive Health in Multiple Sclerosis Research Lab

Lisa Walker profile picture

Contact Information

Lisa Walker, PhD, C.Psych

Fax -613-737-8895

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What We Do

Our lab studies cognitive health in individuals with multiple sclerosis.  We have an active grant-funded research program that evaluates various aspects of cognition in this population.  We have a particular interest in the following areas:
- cognitive fatigability
- the impact of stem-cell therapies on cognition
- the relationship between cognition and various biomarkers of disease (e.g. imaging, sNfL)
- the assessment of cognition (e.g. psychometrics)
- the impact of exercise interventions on cognition

Our lab consists of a number of dedicated health professionals who are passionate about what we do.  It is our collective goal to improve the quality of life in those people with MS whom we serve.

Visit the Lab Website

Selected Publications

Berard, J.A. & Walker, L.A.S. (2022). Validity and sensitivity of Canadian normative data for the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS) battery. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. (published on-line 10 May 2022).

Berard, J.A., Freedman, M.S., Marrie, R.A., Marriott, J.J., Atkins, H.L., Szwajcer, D., Courtman, D.W., Thebault, S. & Walker, L.A.S. (2022). The impact of mesenchymal stem cell therapy on cognition in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 61, 1-8, 103779 (published on-line 27 March 2022).

Berard, J.A. & Walker, L.A.S. (2021). Increasing the clinical utility of the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test: Normative data for standard performance, dyad and cognitive fatigability scoring. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 34(2), 107-116. https://doi:10.1097/WNN.0000000000000268. PMID: 34074865

Walker, L.A.S., Lindsay-Brown, A.P. & Berard, J.A. (2019). Cognitive fatigability interventions in neurological conditions: A systematic review. Neurology and Therapy, 8(2), 251-271. (published on-line 4 October 2019). PMID: 31586303

Atkins, H.L., Bowman, M., Allan, D., Anstee, G., Arnold, D.L., Bar-Or, A., Bence-Bruckler, I., Birch, P., Bredeson, C., Chen, J., Fergusson, D., Halpenny, M., Hamelin, L., Heubsch, L., Hutton, B., Laneuville, P., Lapierre, Y., Lee, H., Martin, L., McDiarmid, S., O’Connor, P., Ramsay, T., Sabloff, M., Walker, L.A.S. & Freedman, M.S. (2016; 6-12 Aug). Immunoablation and autologous haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation for aggressive multiple sclerosis: a multicentre single-group phase 2 trial. The Lancet, 388 (10044), 576-585, (online 9 June 2016) PMID: 27291994

Meet the Cognitive Health in Multiple Sclerosis Lab