Facilities and Equipment List
Items tagged as Shakers, Incubated |
New Brunswick G25 (incubator shaker- Biomed # 80023) (General, CCW - 3rd floor, W3132 c-d) |
Thermo Forma MAxQ Shakers (2) (General, TOHCC- 4th Floor, C4438) |
Thermo Forma MaxQShakers (2) (General, TOHCC- 4th Floor, C4438) |
Thermo MaxQ 4000 Shakers (1) (Biomed # 90112) (General, CCW- 5th floor, W5165) |
Thermo MaxQ 5000 Shakers (2) (Biomed # 90114 and 90115) (General, CCW- 5th floor, W5165) |