Kidney Research Centre


New scientist profile: Dr. Ann Bugeja aims to increase living kidney donations, improve high blood pressure care
“High blood pressure is easy to take for granted because it’s so common, but there’s a lot of complexity in care, how it’s managed,...

MicroRNA could protect the kidneys, according to animal study
“Our research shows microRNA holds promise for protecting against both acute kidney injury and its complications. We hope to test...

Social factors affect dialysis choice for kidney patients
Individuals with kidney failure who have less education, who are unemployed or retired, or who are living alone at home or in a...

Kidney donation: research shows benefits of new 1-day screening
If you were thinking of becoming a living kidney donor, would you rather do all your screening appointments in one day, or spread...

ELEVATE seed grants to help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital improve prevention and care for kidney disease
The Ottawa Hospital’s Research Institute is awarding five ELEVATE seed grants to kickstart innovative kidney research projects.

New scientist profile: Dr. Deborah Zimmerman is committed to improving quality of life for patients on hemodialysis
Dr. Zimmerman wonders whether starting some patients on hemodialysis more gradually at two days a week while they still have some...

Meet Dr. Edward Clark, The Ottawa Hospital’s new Jindal Research Chair for the Prevention of Kidney Disease
As The Ottawa Hospital’s new Jindal Chair for Kidney Disease Prevention, Dr. Clark will be able to accelerate his research, which...

New scientist profile: Dr. Ayub Akbari wants to predict when patients will need dialysis
Nephrologist Dr. Ayub Akbari does his best to prepare patients with advanced chronic kidney disease for the day when their kidneys...

Even a modest reduction in kidney function increases health risks in young adults
A study of more than 8 million adults in Ontario, Canada suggests that even a modest loss of kidney function is associated with...

Will I be on dialysis forever? New calculator could help kidney disease patients
People who receive their first kidney dialysis treatment during a hospital admission often wonder if their kidneys will eventually...