Application and Submission Process
Instructions and Review Process
Guidance and REB Templates
Quality Improvement
Meeting and Huddle Dates
OHSN-REB Member Info
On-line Resources
Review Fees
Turnaround Time
Contact Us
The Ottawa Health Science Network Research Ethics Board

Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus
725 Parkdale Avenue, LOEB Building, Civic Box 675
Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1Y 4E9
Common Inbox: REBAdministration@ohri.ca

The OHSN-REB Office is working remotely;
please email, call through MS Teams, or request a meeting through MS Teams.

Contact the REB Staff

  • For administrative support, general inquiries, request a huddle meeting, or for help navigating the Clinical Research Registration Form and/or help interpreting questions in the REB application, the inquires must be sent to:
  • Please visit the IRISGuide for REB information. The IRISGuide includes remote training sessions, templates, navigation guidance documents, and annotations of the REB application forms.

  • For study or application specific questions:

    Research Ethics Coordinator contact information for the following submission types:
    Full Board Applications (initial and amendments)Maria Caissymcaissy@ohri.ca
    Delegated Prospective Applications (initial and amendments)Heather McDonaldheamcdonald@ohri.ca
    Secondary Use Applications (initial and amendments)Mia St. Pierremistp@ohri.ca
    Reportable Event SubmissionsMia St. Pierremistp@ohri.ca
    Annual Continuing ReviewsAlicia Bakeralibaker@ohri.ca
    Translation ProcessGeneralREBAdministration@ohri.ca
    Registrations (CTO Stream, OCREB, CHEO external)GeneralREBAdministration@ohri.ca
    Institutional ApprovalGeneralREBAdministration@ohri.ca
    Notifications (Departmental Impacts)GeneralREBAdministration@ohri.ca
    Study ClosuresAlicia Bakeralibaker@ohri.ca
    CTO Stream submissionsHong Liuholiu@ohri.ca

Contact the REB Chair and/or Vice-Chairs

  • To schedule a meeting to discuss unique studies, new submissions, study issues, etc.

    The Chair and Vice Chairs are available upon request to meet with Investigators and Study Staff.

    Please contact REBAdministration@ohri.ca to arrange a date and time to meet with the Chair or a Vice-Chair:

    Raphael Saginur, M.D. Chair
    Francine Sarazin, PhD. Incoming Chair
    James Robblee, MBA, M.D. FRCPC Vice-Chair (University of Ottawa Heart Institute)
    Miriam Kimpton, M.D. FRCPC Vice-Chair (The Ottawa Hospital)

Contact the REB Manager

  • For procedural issues or feedback, problematic studies, template issues, participant complaints, etc.
    Amy Geertsma ageertsma@ohri.ca

Contact OHRI or UOHI Clinical Research Administration

  • For help with study start up and/or research facilitation
  • For help with auditing and/or monitoring

    OHRI Clinical Research Administration:

    Common Inbox CRFacilitators@ohri.ca

    UOHI Office of Clinical Research and Compliance:

    Common Inbox ClinicalResearch@ottawaheart.ca

Contact Technical Support

  • For technical assistance with the Clinical Research Registration Form (CRRF) (i.e., glitches, error messages, etc.)
  • To request access to an Investigator's IRIS page/research studies
  • For issues with TOH myHospital accounts (password reset, login issues, etc.)
    TOH HelpDesk Internal: x 14357
    External: 613-761- HELP (4357)
    Email: helpdesk3@toh.ca