ELEVATE seed grants help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital launch new ideas and collaborations
March 3,
The grants, worth a total of $198,000, will advance research on muscle disease, stroke, ovarian cancer and scleroderma.
ELEVATE seed grants to help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital improve prevention and care for kidney disease
March 3,
The grants, worth a total of $200,000, focus on areas such as autoimmune kidney disease, mini-kidney models, kidney replacement education, and artificial intelligence to improve drug dosing.
Why one gene has an outsized impact on neurodevelopmental disorders
February 26,
“ADNP is a significant gene in neurodevelopmental disorders. With this new tool to study its function, we can work towards finding and testing new treatments."
Could a preemie’s umbilical cord help repair their lungs?
February 11,
“Our results suggest we could one day test whether cells from a preemie’s umbilical cord might prevent them from developing a chronic lung disease.”
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 16 CIHR grants worth more than $8 million
February 3,
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are leading 16 new projects funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the most recent operating grant competition.
Spinal muscular atrophy: Lab study shows importance of treating the liver to benefit a neuromuscular disorder
January 7,
“Our study suggests that treating the liver may be just as important as treating the neuromuscular system in patients with SMA. This is important because some of the approved SMA therapies are better at reaching the liver than others.”
Researchers discover postal code that allows proteins to hitch a ride around the body
December 11,
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa have discovered an 18-digit code that allows proteins to attach themselves to exosomes - tiny pinched-off pieces of cells that travel around the body and deliver biochemical signals.
New Canada Research Chairs to advance regenerative medicine, thrombosis and stroke research at The Ottawa Hospital
November 14,
The federal government announced a new round of Canada Research Chairs this week, including three based at The Ottawa Hospital.
‘Stroke in a dish’ reveals new recipe for brain repair
October 18,
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa have found a new way to create neurons – a discovery that could be a major step forward in developing treatments for stroke and traumatic brain injury.
$2.8M grant to support Canada-wide trial of cell therapy for preterm babies
September 16,
“This trial could change the way we care for premature babies. It’s my hope that these tiny patients will have a better chance to thrive, grow up, and have an impact on the world around them."
September 10,
2024 -
Clinical trial to test muscular dystrophy therapy developed at The Ottawa Hospital
August 29,
2024 -
Lab study provides new hope for people with rare muscle disease
July 26,
2024 -
Lab discovery suggests possible new approach for treating progressive multiple sclerosis
July 23,
2024 -
New book chapter by our experts reveals secrets of the blood-brain barrier
July 18,
2024 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 14 CIHR grants worth more than $10 million
June 28,
2024 -
Why 2007 was a memorable year for both The Ottawa Hospital and the Ottawa Senators
June 18,
2024 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded three grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research
May 24,
2024 -
Satellos Bioscience wins top company award and rings TSX bell
May 14,
2024 -
Study reveals molecular reason why arteries harden with age
May 6,
2024 -
The Ottawa Hospital’s new campus to become a hub for biotherapeutics research and manufacturing thanks to $59M grant
May 1,
2024 -
Two decades in the making — world-first trial aims to heal the lungs of preemies
April 23,
2024 -
Which cells have the greatest potential to repair the lungs of pre-term babies?
March 15,
2024 -
Are EVs travelling to injured lungs?
February 21,
2024 -
ELEVATE seed grants to help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital improve treatment for inflammatory and immune conditions
February 2,
2024 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 9 CIHR grants worth more than $5 million
January 19,
2024 -
Tiny trailblazer: First baby treated in world-first trial for chronic lung disease
January 2,
2024 -
New scientist profile: Dr. Blair Gage uses stem cell biology to build blood vessels and develop new treatments
December 20,
2023 -
Gene editing strategy shows promise in mice with spinal muscular atrophy
December 13,
2023 -
Life, death and DNA tethering: research explores how the eye responds to stress
November 9,
2023 -
Powering up the body’s EVs
September 28,
2023 -
Tiny Cells for Tiny Lungs
September 1,
2023 -
How do developing brain blood vessels and nerves link up? New study has some answers.
August 18,
2023 -
When the hangman isn't hanging: how cell death proteins might protect against ALS
July 21,
2023 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 13 CIHR grants worth more than $7 million
July 12,
2023 -
Engineered lung tissue model reveals possible new treatment for lymphangioleiomyomatosis
July 12,
2023 -
With autism, the brain adapts to blood vessel problems by changing how it uses energy
June 8,
2023 -
Start-up company raises $55M to fuel development of new therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
May 15,
2023 -
Novel stem cell drives ‘remarkable’ regeneration of tiny blood vessels in the lung
April 18,
2023 -
Molecule triggered by running could help with stroke recovery
April 2,
2023 -
Stem cell treatment banishes disease for MS patient
April 2,
2023 -
After 18 years with MS—“I really feel like I’m cured.”
March 23,
2023 -
First patient treated in world-first cell therapy trial to heal the lungs of preterm babies
March 16,
2023 -
Meet Dr. Manoj Lalu, the clinician-scientist bringing lab discoveries to patients every day
March 9,
2023 -
Prenatal exposure to low doses of methylmercury causes autism-like behaviors in mice
March 1,
2023 -
‘Cord blood cells are priceless for us’
February 28,
2023 -
Study could lead to new treatments for pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure
February 16,
2023 -
How a chronic lung disease in preterm babies also affects the brain
February 3,
2023 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 15 CIHR grants worth more than $8.4 million
February 1,
2023 -
ELEVATE seed grants to help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital develop better treatments and improve patient care
January 19,
2023 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital co-lead $39M Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium
January 19,
2023 -
Clinical trial will test promising cell therapy for septic shock
December 14,
2022 -
Saviour siblings: surprising discovery reveals the staying power of stem cells from older brothers
November 2,
2022 -
Huge hope for our smallest patients
October 5,
2022 -
Research reveals novel mechanism controlling muscle stem cells
October 4,
2022 -
A conversation with stem cell pioneer Dr. Harold Atkins
September 14,
2022 -
Soccer skills and stem cell science- Meet Dr. Bernard Thébaud
September 1,
2022 -
MS stem cell transplant gives priceless second chance
August 4,
2022 -
Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring compound, awakens stem cells to repair damaged muscle
July 27,
2022 -
“Dream team” of researchers tackles leading cause of vision loss
July 21,
2022 -
Lab-grown “mini-kidneys” unlock secrets of a rare disease
July 20,
2022 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 19 CIHR grants worth more than $12 million
July 13,
2022 -
Whole-body approach needed to treat neuromuscular disease SMA
June 22,
2022 -
Dr. Michael Rudnicki admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society
June 17,
2022 -
First made-in-Canada CAR-T cell therapy for cancer shows promise in clinical trial
June 7,
2022 -
Do changes in brain metabolism play a role in autism? Prestigious grant to help researchers find out
May 12,
2022 -
Ottawa Hospital researchers awarded $1.85M from Stem Cell Network
April 28,
2022 -
Cancer cells break their own DNA to buy time to repair radiation damage
April 25,
2022 -
Meet brain and eye researcher Dr. Pierre Mattar
April 4,
2022 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded five grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research
March 30,
2022 -
Nano therapy for micro-preemies protects lungs, brain in lab study
March 9,
2022 -
Research on brain blood vessels could lead to new treatments for brain diseases
February 17,
2022 -
Tiny particles hold promise for treating acute and chronic lung disease
February 5,
2022 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 18 CIHR grants worth more than $11 million
January 6,
2022 -
Study explores patient engagement in lab research
November 19,
2021 -
Medicine’s future: living drugs
November 15,
2021 -
From baseball stats wiz to game-changing epigenetic scientist
November 12,
2021 -
Supercharging stem cells
November 4,
2021 -
Virtual care with remote monitoring catches drug errors and reduces patient pain
September 15,
2021 -
$2.4 M grant to help researchers develop gene and cell therapies for a leading cause of blindness
August 13,
2021 -
Nothing about me, without me: Engaging patients in clinical trials
August 10,
2021 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded eight grants worth $5 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
June 2,
2021 -
Research unravels links between fasting, lifespan and muscle stem cells
May 31,
2021 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded three grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research
May 29,
2021 -
New mouse model could help with the development of treatments for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
May 25,
2021 -
Biotherapeutics: the future of medicine
May 12,
2021 -
Stem cells go ‘all in’ to repair damaged muscles
April 30,
2021 -
Beyond the brain: how autism impacts the body
April 28,
2021 -
“Cell atlas” could shine light on lung problems in adults and premature babies
April 22,
2021 -
Experts on call: Stem cells, gene therapy and biotherapeutics
April 13,
2021 -
Grateful COVID-19 patient gives back by participating in research
April 5,
2021 -
Translational research grant could help to develop new immunotherapies for leukemia
March 12,
2021 -
The rise of point-of-care cell manufacturing
March 10,
2021 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 17 CIHR grants worth $7.5 million
February 25,
2021 -
One small step for blood cancer patients, one giant step for Canadian cancer patients of all stripes
February 17,
2021 -
Stem cell treatment for scleroderma improves quality of life
February 1,
2021 -
Experimental stem cell therapy a potential weapon against COVID-19
February 1,
2021 -
$1M investment fuels development of new therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
January 27,
2021 -
Can a diabetes drug help repair damaged nerve insulation? Mouse study shows it might.
December 11,
2020 -
Dr. Eve Tsai and Dr. Adam Sachs work in very different ways to improve the lives of people with spinal cord injury
November 6,
2020 -
Blueprint Excelerator helps move discoveries from the bench to the bedside
November 6,
2020 -
$1M grant to support manufacturing of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines at The Ottawa Hospital and uOttawa
October 26,
2020 -
Gene therapy for deadly newborn lung disease shows promise in mice
September 22,
2020 -
The Ottawa Hospital and uOttawa launch new cancer immunotherapy research projects with funding from BioCanRx
September 7,
2020 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded six CIHR grants worth $2.6 million
July 13,
2020 -
Vascular development may be at risk in autism
July 10,
2020 -
Innovative clinical trial design breathes life into potential cell therapy for lung disease in preterm babies
June 25,
2020 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded $4.7 million for COVID-19 research from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
June 12,
2020 -
TOHAMO awards $1.2M for COVID-19 research projects
June 10,
2020 -
Can virtual care after surgery reduce patient returns to hospital? Research study now open in Ottawa
June 8,
2020 -
Using lab-grown human tissues to identify possible treatments
June 4,
2020 -
Creating a new mouse model to study COVID-19 lung disease
June 4,
2020 -
Studying the immune response of COVID-19 patients in the ICU
June 4,
2020 -
New mouse model to reveal insights into mild spinal muscular atrophy
June 4,
2020 -
Diabetes drug corrects some symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in mice
June 3,
2020 -
New Frontiers in Research Fund supports trailblazing research on autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
May 28,
2020 -
Experimental Stem Cell Therapy a Potential Weapon in COVID-19 Fight
May 21,
2020 -
COVID-19 research on cell therapy, drug screening and marginalized populations funded through Ontario’s Rapid Research Fund
May 14,
2020 -
Mysteries of cell fate unlocked with new measurement and modeling techniques
May 8,
2020 -
COVID-19 research moving at ‘lightning speed’, thanks to generous community support
April 29,
2020 -
Dr. Michael Rudnicki elected into the Royal Society
April 29,
2020 -
Researchers use lab-grown human tissues to understand secrets of COVID-19 infection, identify possible treatments
April 23,
2020 -
Harnessing stem cells and regenerative medicine to fight COVID-19
April 2,
2020 -
Researchers join the fight against COVID-19
March 4,
2020 -
Stem cells may heal lungs of premature babies
March 2,
2020 -
Could umbilical cord cell therapy help premature babies? Dr. Bernard Thébaud awarded $638,000 from Stem Cell Network for clinical trial
February 19,
2020 -
Cell therapy for premature babies: new lab study suggests wider treatment window may be possible
February 14,
2020 -
New neuromuscular network brings patients, scientists and clinicians together
February 3,
2020 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded nine grants worth $5.6 million from Canadian Institutes of Health Research
January 15,
2020 -
To help protect research, experts agree on a definition of predatory publishing
January 15,
2020 -
New method can help labs around the world grow stem cells more efficiently
January 10,
2020 -
Nothing to sniff at: Screening platform identifies drugs that could fight the common cold
November 13,
2019 -
Researchers awarded $1.6M to improve care for cardiovascular disease
October 22,
2019 -
How does a stem cell know what to be when it grows up?
October 2,
2019 -
Researchers reveal the circuitry regulating muscle stem cell function
September 27,
2019 -
Ottawa a “hotbed of patient partnerships in research”
September 13,
2019 -
A Canadian First: Ottawa orthopaedic researchers win top clinical research award three years running
September 10,
2019 -
Findings could improve quality of life for people with spinal muscular atrophy
August 14,
2019 -
The promise of CAR-T therapy for cancer: meta-analysis shows the big picture
July 26,
2019 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded 13 grants worth $11.2 million from Canadian Institutes of Health Research
May 29,
2019 -
Researchers get $745,000 boost from NSERC
May 17,
2019 -
$950,000 to help develop stem cell treatments for septic shock, lung injury and muscle degeneration
May 16,
2019 -
Clinical trials offer strong foundation for better patient care
May 1,
2019 -
Precision medicine approach for leukemia awarded $1.5M
April 24,
2019 -
Scientist investigates how two gene mutations contribute to autism
March 29,
2019 -
Breakthrough reveals how a stem cell decides between two fates
March 22,
2019 -
Clinicians at The Ottawa Hospital launch 14 innovative projects to improve health-care delivery, thanks to funding from TOHAMO and The Ottawa Hospital’s Research Institute
March 15,
2019 -
3D gel helps researchers find potential drugs for lung cancer, other diseases
March 13,
2019 -
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recommended as a standard of care for certain kinds of MS in the U.S.
March 1,
2019 -
Patients and clinical trial experts key to upcoming made-in-Canada CAR-T clinical trial
February 14,
2019 -
Researchers to advance science and improve health with new CIHR funding
January 31,
2019 -
Discovery points to innovative new way to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy
January 30,
2019 -
Research shows how good heart growth turns bad
October 23,
2018 -
Dr. William Stanford has been named The Ottawa Hospital’s Chrétien Researcher of the Year for his work on blood cancer and other diseases
October 22,
2018 -
New drug combination destroys chemo-resistant blood cancer
October 10,
2018 -
Brain Health Awareness Week: October 15-19
September 25,
2018 -
Trainee receives Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Award
August 30,
2018 -
Could leaky blood vessels be a target for treating migraines? Study opens up promising new area of research
August 22,
2018 -
Chaos in the nucleus: research on eye cells could provide insight into degenerative diseases
August 16,
2018 -
Targeting cancer stem cells improves survival in certain kinds of colorectal cancer
August 16,
2018 -
Using stem cells to treat brain cancer: pilot study highlights potential new approach
August 8,
2018 -
Diabetes drug could enhance stem cell treatment for stroke
July 20,
2018 -
$1.7 million to advance research on colon cancer, brain development, kidney disease and severe fluid loss
July 4,
2018 -
New scientist aims to harness stem cells to repair bone and cartilage
June 7,
2018 -
Top Research Papers from The Ottawa Hospital 2015-2017
May 30,
2018 -
Patent brings possible new heart failure treatment closer to reality
May 30,
2018 -
Stem cell researchers tackle muscle weakness in older people
May 9,
2018 -
$870,000 to help develop stem cell treatments for septic shock, glaucoma, lung injury and muscle degeneration
May 9,
2018 -
New research could explain why cells grow out of control in rare lung disease
May 1,
2018 -
The Ottawa Hospital opens one-of-a-kind neuromuscular research centre
April 30,
2018 -
Experimental stem cell therapy tested for rare lung disease
April 20,
2018 -
Could a molecule triggered by running help treat MS?
April 19,
2018 -
Discovery provides “profound new insight” into Duchenne muscular dystrophy
April 11,
2018 -
Exosomes open up exciting new avenue of leukemia research
April 11,
2018 -
Can tiny bits of cells in the blood help track the progress of spinal muscular atrophy?
April 11,
2018 -
Could stem cells repair the heart, fight infections, mend premature lungs, and heal the brain after stroke?
March 19,
2018 -
Exploiting the Achilles’ heel of a severe form of childhood leukemia
February 14,
2018 -
Rejuvenating damaged newborn mouse lungs with stem cells
January 30,
2018 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded $12.7M for research, double the national CIHR success rate
December 20,
2017 -
Stroke repair: study shows single pathway crucial for generating new stem cells, neurons and blood vessels
December 12,
2017 -
How a rubber chicken helped create a novel model of a rare lung disease
November 29,
2017 -
Pre-treated cells boost blood vessel repair
November 6,
2017 -
Bolstering fat cells offers new hope for treating blood cancer
November 2,
2017 -
Stem cells for septic shock: world-first trial establishes safety, sets stage for larger trial
October 26,
2017 -
Top trainee hopes his unexpected discovery may help children with spinal muscular atrophy
October 12,
2017 -
CFI provides $18-million boost to research on neuromuscular diseases, cancer-fighting viruses, the power of light and radioactive atoms
September 27,
2017 -
Ottawa neuromuscular researchers show global leadership
September 6,
2017 -
Ottawa scientist wins Canada's top stem cell prize for multiple sclerosis trial
August 24,
2017 -
Package delivery to boost repair of muscular dystrophy muscle
August 4,
2017 -
How to trick your heart into thinking you exercise: cardiotrophin improves heart health and repairs damage in lab models
July 20,
2017 -
Researchers turn back the clock to watch aging in fast forward
June 23,
2017 -
Rehabilitation researchers win national awards for work on stem cells, mobility
June 15,
2017 -
Researchers get $558K boost from Heart and Stroke Foundation
June 15,
2017 -
Could stem cells fight lung disease in our tiniest patients?
June 14,
2017 -
Big data breakthrough: award-winning research helps scientists understand cancer gene expression
June 2,
2017 -
Research on repairing MS damage gets $300,000 grant
May 25,
2017 -
Stem cells help newborn rats survive sepsis
May 25,
2017 -
Could stem cells heal premature lungs, fight infections, build muscles and strengthen bones?
May 19,
2017 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded 18 research grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, worth $10.7 million
May 11,
2017 -
Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research celebrates 10 years of discovery
May 4,
2017 -
Cord blood therapies: researchers to separate hope from hype thanks to $100,000 grant
March 9,
2017 -
The Ottawa Hospital welcomes new stem cell research report and alliance
February 1,
2017 -
Researchers investigate role of immune system in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
January 4,
2017 -
Information for patients: Chemo and blood stem cell transplantation for rare autoimmune diseases
December 7,
2016 -
Researchers use rigorous approach to establish the strength of lab data to inform stem cell clinical trial
November 30,
2016 -
Transplant frees scleroderma patient from excruciating pain and gives him back his hope for the future
November 23,
2016 -
Three Ottawa-led stem cell trials get $2.2 million boost
November 17,
2016 -
Stem cell procedure sends patients with severe myasthenia gravis into remission
November 16,
2016 -
When the body attacks itself, this researcher finds new solutions
November 2,
2016 -
Grant helps researcher investigate the mind’s puzzles
October 11,
2016 -
Running triggers production of a molecule that repairs the brain in animal models of neurodegenerative disease
October 11,
2016 -
$2-million project aims to bring personalized medicine to lung cancer care
September 21,
2016 -
Research helps unravel complex genetics of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
August 31,
2016 -
A how-to-kit for cells: $250K grant to map how stem cells become muscle and cartilage
August 17,
2016 -
Researchers find protein that keeps DNA from collapsing
August 10,
2016 -
$145,000 to help researchers investigate how the adult brain grows new cells
August 3,
2016 -
Genetic muscle-wasting disease follows different patterns depending on severity
July 27,
2016 -
$145,000 grant helps researchers investigate how newts regrow limbs and organs
July 13,
2016 -
$4.2M grant to advance development of next-generation regenerative therapies for vascular disease
July 6,
2016 -
$270,000 grant to help researchers discover if a heart-growth protein can halt some heart disease
June 15,
2016 -
Experimental treatment gave new life to P.E.I. mother
June 9,
2016 -
MS breakthrough: Replacing diseased immune system halts progression and allows repair
June 8,
2016 -
$1.35M grant helps researchers investigate how to get disoriented muscle stem cells back on track
May 25,
2016 -
Stem Cell Network receives $12M and launches three new funding programs
May 18,
2016 -
Stem Cells 101 brings Ottawa researchers together to answer questions from the public
May 4,
2016 -
Cardiovascular researchers get $1.2M boost from Heart and Stroke Foundation
April 26,
2016 -
Learning from the best: researchers study the placenta to learn how to build new blood vessels
April 25,
2016 -
Researchers find potential new treatment target for deadly brain cancer
April 19,
2016 -
Does Spinal Muscular Atrophy affect muscle stem cells? $140,000 grant to help researchers find out
April 12,
2016 -
Researchers find biological role for puzzling protein
April 12,
2016 -
Ottawa researchers shine in SPOR funding announcement
April 7,
2016 -
Harness your own stem cells to heal shoulders: $1 million committed for Research Chair in Regenerative Orthopaedic Surgery
March 31,
2016 -
Man survives severe infection after participating in world-first stem cell trial at The Ottawa Hospital
March 23,
2016 -
Breakthroughs in biotherapeutics: Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are developing new therapies that harness the power of stem cells and viruses to fight disease
March 17,
2016 -
Stem cell therapy rejuvenates old, brittle bones in osteoporosis model
March 2,
2016 -
Ottawa researchers find Achilles’ heel of a severe form of childhood leukemia
February 26,
2016 -
Muscle disease breakthrough fuels new hope for treatments
February 24,
2016 -
$670,000 grant supports research on two-pronged approach for degenerative retinal disease
February 10,
2016 -
$890,000 grant to help researchers understand the cell’s professional DNA organizers
February 10,
2016 -
Ottawa researchers answer patient questions about stroke and stem cells
February 3,
2016 -
$1M grant to help researchers unravel the secrets behind super-powered leukemia cells
January 27,
2016 -
Ottawa researchers identify the Mike Holmes of muscle stem cells
January 20,
2016 -
$800,000 grant helps researchers find bone marrow cancer’s weak spots
January 6,
2016 -
Diabetes drug promotes brain regeneration in multiple ways
December 16,
2015 -
Dr. Robin Parks awarded $790,000 from CIHR to study common cold virus
November 16,
2015 -
Ottawa researchers discover that Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a stem cell disease
October 14,
2015 -
Major advance in understanding muscle regeneration: Caspase 3 tackles Pax7 in a cellular game of Pac-Man
October 6,
2015 -
Dr. Jeffrey Dilworth awarded $2.3 million for muscle regeneration research
September 9,
2015 -
Rare nerve disease linked to problems in cellular waste recycling
August 21,
2015 -
New chair in spinal cord research brings hope for more first steps
August 19,
2015 -
Dr. Bernard Thébaud’s team receives $3.2 million to develop stem cell therapy for babies with lung disease
July 28,
2015 -
The Ottawa Hospital awarded $28M from Canadian Institutes of Health Research for 22 research projects
July 22,
2015 -
Regenerative medicine shows promise in acute kidney injury
July 20,
2015 -
Stem cell therapy shows promise in small clinical trial for rare lung disease
June 17,
2015 -
Government of Ontario provides $10M boost for regenerative and biological therapeutics research in Ottawa
June 17,
2015 -
Ottawa stroke researchers awarded nearly $500,000
May 31,
2015 -
Research at The Ottawa Hospital is making Ontario Healthier, Wealthier and Smarter
May 29,
2015 -
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital, uOttawa and CHEO awarded $28.5M from the Canada Foundation for Innovation for research in regenerative medicine, neuroscience and other areas
May 22,
2015 -
BMO Announces $1 Million Donation to Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research
May 20,
2015 -
$700,000 grant to advance use of stem cells to study rare disease
April 20,
2015 -
Pancreatic cancer loses viral defences when talking with supporting cells
April 17,
2015 -
Ottawa stem cell scientist helps patients separate hope from hype
March 11,
2015 -
Could an oncolytic virus “melt” tumours?
January 29,
2015 -
The Ottawa Hospital leads first Canadian clinical trial of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis
January 28,
2015 -
Tender Loving Research improving care for premature babies
January 28,
2015 -
Information for MS patients interested in stem cell therapy at The Ottawa Hospital
December 30,
2014 -
Novel regenerative therapy eases diabetes symptoms in mice
December 17,
2014 -
CIHR grant helping to unravel the epigenetic mysteries of muscle regeneration
October 22,
2014 -
Longstanding math problem solved by bioinformatics lead
August 25,
2014 -
Researchers in Ottawa achieve breakthrough with rare disease: Stem cells used to send “stiff person syndrome” into long-term remission
May 7,
2014 -
Epigenetic drug improves stem-cell therapy for blood vessel repair
April 14,
2014 -
Funding for research into Spinal muscular atrophy
April 14,
2014 -
Improving stem cell therapy for muscle disease
April 10,
2014 -
Sinclair Centre for Regenerative Medicine officially named
January 8,
2014 -
Promising lead in fight against deadly lung disease: microRNA linked to pulmonary arterial hypertension
December 30,
2013 -
Stem-cell pioneer named to Order of Canada
December 18,
2013 -
$1.7M to study rare but devastating muscular dystrophies
November 29,
2013 -
Ottawa scientists transform natural protein into possible muscle regeneration drug
November 9,
2013 -
The Ottawa Hospital fêtes three star researchers at annual Gala
October 7,
2013 -
New research sheds light on abnormal heart muscle thickening and potential treatment
September 24,
2013 -
Dr. Ronald Worton, Founding CEO of the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, to be inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
September 5,
2013 -
First patient treated in groundbreaking stem cell therapy trial for heart attack
February 5,
2013 -
Fighting fat with fat: stem cell discovery identifies potential obesity treatment
December 4,
2012 -
5 big strides to fight lung disease in our tiniest patients
November 27,
2012 -
Protein injection points to muscular dystrophy treatment
November 17,
2012 -
The Ottawa Hospital’s Star Researchers Honoured at Annual Gala
May 30,
2012 -
Top stem cell scientist and pediatrician recruited to Ottawa
May 15,
2012 -
Mice with big brains provide insight into brain regeneration and developmental disorders
March 15,
2012 -
Ottawa researchers to lead world-first clinical trial of stem cell therapy for septic shock
March 6,
2012 -
New approach for treating genetic muscle wasting disease shows promise in mice
February 13,
2012 -
Top researchers gather in Ottawa to advance the development of stem cell therapies for cardiovascular disease
December 18,
2011 -
New research shows Wnt7a protein stimulates muscle growth and development in two unique ways
December 2,
2011 -
Novel embryonic stem cell technology to accelerate genetic research
November 5,
2011 -
The Ottawa Hospital Gala recognizes superstar researchers
October 11,
2011 -
Top stem cell scientist recruited to Ottawa
October 1,
2011 -
Two OHRI stem cell researchers among Top 25 People in Ottawa
July 20,
2011 -
Ottawa Hospital researchers awarded $4.8M from Ontario Research Fund to advance regenerative medicine and patient safety
June 8,
2011 -
Ottawa PhD student receives CIHR Synapse Mentorship Award
May 10,
2011 -
Dr. Duncan Stewart to Receive Biomedical Science Ambassador Award
April 12,
2011 -
Dr. Valerie Wallace is asking big question about the brain and the eye and opening up new avenues for the development of regenerative therapies
February 25,
2011 -
New Parkinson’s gene discovered
December 21,
2010 -
Ottawa discovery provides new insight into blood development and leukemia
November 1,
2010 -
New insight into heart muscle development
September 7,
2010 -
Genetic discovery could lead to new approaches to improve bone growth
August 25,
2010 -
Seeing the world with new eyes: Biosynthetic corneas restore vision in humans
July 12,
2010 -
Research in yeast suggests death proteins could also have protective role
June 30,
2010 -
Stem cell therapy may provide new approach to fight infection
May 28,
2010 -
Ontario invests $6.5M in regenerative medicine and cancer research in Ottawa
April 9,
2010 -
Dr. Duncan Stewart receives OCRI Research Award
March 15,
2010 -
Study opens new avenue for developing treatments for genetic muscle-wasting disease
February 15,
2010 -
Study suggests stem cells sabotage their own DNA to produce new tissues
November 20,
2009 -
Dr. Jeff Dilworth studies how stem cells turn genes on and off
October 27,
2009 -
Dr. Duncan Stewart receives cardiovascular research achievement award
August 5,
2009 -
Stem Cell Network profiles OHRI research commercialization opportunities
June 11,
2009 -
Ontario invests $18.5M in cancer and stem cell research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and the University of Ottawa
June 4,
2009 -
Ottawa scientists discover new way to enhance stem cells to stimulate muscle regeneration
April 4,
2009 -
Changes at the International Regulome Consortium
March 4,
2009 -
$2.4 million to develop stem cell therapies to reverse blindness
February 22,
2009 -
OHRI stem cell transplant trial for multiple sclerosis profiled on national news
January 3,
2009 -
Turning research into medicine: Ottawa Citizen profiles OHRI CEO Dr. Duncan Stewart
November 16,
2008 -
Dr. Mark Freedman interviewed about experimental mesenchymal stem cell treatment for multiple sclerosis
September 3,
2008 -
OHRI researchers to discuss stem cell research at Weizmann Science Canada Forum
July 11,
2008 -
Stem cell transplant offers new hope to Crohn’s sufferer
June 19,
2008 -
Patients treated with novel regenerative therapy developed by Dr. Duncan Stewart
June 18,
2008 -
International Regulome Consortium continues to grow: Ottawa-led stem cell research group partners with Invitrogen
March 12,
2008 -
Vancouver Sun profiles patient in OHRI-led MS bone marrow stem cell transplant trial
January 21,
2008 -
The National features OHRI bone marrow stem cell transplant trial for MS
December 15,
2007 -
OHRI researchers recognized for dystonia research
December 9,
2007 -
Sprott Centre researchers reveal the functioning of a genetic switch that plays crucial role in muscle stem cells
November 16,
2007 -
Dr. May Griffith’s artificial cornea promises to address the worldwide shortage of human donor tissue
June 20,
2007 -
New research identifies five genetic themes crucial to keeping stem cells in a primitive, flexible state
May 31,
2007 -
Scientific American reports on new muscle stem cells identified by Dr. Michael Rudnicki's group
May 15,
2007 -
Legion Magazine profiles stem cell research at OHRI