

Two new trials advance our understanding of stroke treatment
March 4, 2025 - Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are continuing to play a key role in advancing endovascular therapy for stroke, as major contributors to two new international clinical trials.
ELEVATE seed grants help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital launch new ideas and collaborations
March 3, 2025 - The grants, worth a total of $198,000, will advance research on muscle disease, stroke, ovarian cancer and scleroderma.
Why one gene has an outsized impact on neurodevelopmental disorders
February 26, 2025 - “ADNP is a significant gene in neurodevelopmental disorders. With this new tool to study its function, we can work towards finding and testing new treatments."
Trial tests different ways to reduce depression in Parkinson’s disease
February 11, 2025 - “Psychotherapy is an important option for treating depression in Parkinson’s. Healthcare providers should consider recommending it alone or in combination with antidepressants."
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 16 CIHR grants worth more than $8 million
February 3, 2025 - Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are leading 16 new projects funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the most recent operating grant competition.
What does loss of one’s sense of smell say about Parkinson’s disease? Groundbreaking research continues with US$6 million ASAP grant
January 30, 2025 - “Understanding the loss in sense of smell in Parkinson’s is having its moment right now. Our interdisciplinary team is on the leading edge of this topic, making discoveries that could one day impact diagnosis, prevention, and possibly, patient care.”
Spinal muscular atrophy: Lab study shows importance of treating the liver to benefit a neuromuscular disorder
January 7, 2025 - “Our study suggests that treating the liver may be just as important as treating the neuromuscular system in patients with SMA. This is important because some of the approved SMA therapies are better at reaching the liver than others.”
Researchers discover postal code that allows proteins to hitch a ride around the body
December 11, 2024 - Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa have discovered an 18-digit code that allows proteins to attach themselves to exosomes - tiny pinched-off pieces of cells that travel around the body and deliver biochemical signals.
Blood transfusions for brain bleeding: Large trial in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients adds to debate about optimal threshold
December 9, 2024 - Blood is one of the oldest drugs in the world, but after many decades of research, it is still not always clear when a blood transfusion should be given. A large trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine is adding to the debate for ...
New Canada Research Chairs to advance regenerative medicine, thrombosis and stroke research at The Ottawa Hospital
November 14, 2024 - The federal government announced a new round of Canada Research Chairs this week, including three based at The Ottawa Hospital.


November 13, 2024 -  Psychedelic use linked to increased risk of schizophrenia, study finds
October 22, 2024 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Vignan Yogendrakumar aims to improve stroke care with next-generation therapies
October 18, 2024 -  ‘Stroke in a dish’ reveals new recipe for brain repair
September 17, 2024 -  Abnormal electrolyte levels in people with eating disorders may increase risk of death, poor health outcomes
September 10, 2024 -  Clinical trial to test muscular dystrophy therapy developed at The Ottawa Hospital
August 29, 2024 -  Lab study provides new hope for people with rare muscle disease
August 13, 2024 -  Nearly 1 in 5 physicians experienced PTSD during the pandemic
July 26, 2024 -  Lab discovery suggests possible new approach for treating progressive multiple sclerosis
July 23, 2024 -  When research inspires care: Patient partners spearhead brain aneurysm recovery guide
July 23, 2024 -  New book chapter by our experts reveals secrets of the blood-brain barrier
July 18, 2024 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 14 CIHR grants worth more than $10 million
July 2, 2024 -  Specialized therapy helps teacher with traumatic brain injury make remarkable recovery
June 13, 2024 -  After major traumatic brain injury, more blood transfusions could mean better outcomes
June 4, 2024 -  Treating sleep apnea for improved mental health in children
May 28, 2024 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Dargél is dedicated to enhancing early detection and care in bipolar disorder
May 24, 2024 -  Satellos Bioscience wins top company award and rings TSX bell
May 17, 2024 -  4 areas to consider when implementing a trauma-informed care program
April 23, 2024 -  Study strengthens link between Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis
April 8, 2024 -  Non-invasive brain stimulation shows promise in reducing psychological distress in advanced illness
March 15, 2024 -  Can a blood test predict if MS attacks will come back after stopping treatment?
March 1, 2024 -  Eating disorders: what do outcomes look like world-wide?
February 5, 2024 -  Heavy cannabis use increases risk of developing an anxiety disorder, study suggests
February 2, 2024 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 9 CIHR grants worth more than $5 million
January 29, 2024 -  Treatment-resistant depression: mouse study reveals surprising new insights
January 29, 2024 -  Cancer + past stroke increases stroke risk nearly 3-fold
January 26, 2024 -  Experts call for tighter standards to speed emergency treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage
January 24, 2024 -  The Ottawa Hospital uses breakthrough stroke technology to improve patient care


December 20, 2023 -  Gene editing strategy shows promise in mice with spinal muscular atrophy
November 9, 2023 -  The quest for a good death
October 25, 2023 -  Global research trial for ICH stroke a major step forward for patients
October 25, 2023 -  Sci-fi developments and rock ’n’ roll
September 27, 2023 -  Emergency department visits for substance use linked to higher risk of developing schizophrenia
September 12, 2023 -  The Ottawa Hospital and partners create new Living Concussion Guidelines to improve patient concussion care
September 1, 2023 -  How do developing brain blood vessels and nerves link up? New study has some answers.
August 22, 2023 -  Power over Pain Portal supports patients living with chronic pain
August 18, 2023 -  Am I still a safe driver? This 5-min test could start the conversation
August 18, 2023 -  When the hangman isn't hanging: how cell death proteins might protect against ALS
July 21, 2023 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 13 CIHR grants worth more than $7 million
July 12, 2023 -  With autism, the brain adapts to blood vessel problems by changing how it uses energy
July 6, 2023 -  Take a peek inside the brain with prize-winning artwork inspired by research at The Ottawa Hospital
June 8, 2023 -  Start-up company raises $55M to fuel development of new therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
June 8, 2023 -  CT scan results help predict which mini-strokes lead to major strokes
May 11, 2023 -  How a heart attack drug is revolutionizing stroke treatment
April 28, 2023 -  Brain Heart Interconnectome to lead a paradigm shift
April 19, 2023 -  Physicians struggled more with mental health during the pandemic than the general population
April 18, 2023 -  Molecule triggered by running could help with stroke recovery
April 5, 2023 -  Discovery reveals how Parkinson’s-linked gene protects the brain
April 5, 2023 -  New Scientist Profile: Dr. Giulia Fadda investigates poorly understood neuroinflammatory conditions
April 2, 2023 -  Stem cell treatment banishes disease for MS patient
April 2, 2023 -  After 18 years with MS—“I really feel like I’m cured.”
March 22, 2023 -  The Ottawa Hospital’s future neuroscience institute ‘a game changer’ for ground-breaking treatment
March 9, 2023 -  Prenatal exposure to low doses of methylmercury causes autism-like behaviors in mice
February 28, 2023 -  “Every day is a struggle for me”: A new study is evaluating the effectiveness of a digital app in treating people suffering from long COVID
February 3, 2023 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 15 CIHR grants worth more than $8.4 million
February 1, 2023 -  ELEVATE seed grants to help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital develop better treatments and improve patient care
January 26, 2023 -  Life-altering stroke treatment and care from a “gym rat”
January 18, 2023 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Gauruv Bose aims to use AI and big data to predict the course of MS


December 14, 2022 -  Saviour siblings: surprising discovery reveals the staying power of stem cells from older brothers
November 16, 2022 -  Electrolyte levels could help with early detection of eating disorders
November 2, 2022 -  Neurologist blazes new trails in stroke research
October 26, 2022 -  ECMO survivors have higher rate of new mental health diagnoses than other ICU survivors
October 4, 2022 -  A conversation with stem cell pioneer Dr. Harold Atkins
September 23, 2022 -  Predicting Parkinson’s: mathematical model could help with earlier diagnosis and treatment
September 1, 2022 -  MS stem cell transplant gives priceless second chance
July 27, 2022 -  “Dream team” of researchers tackles leading cause of vision loss
July 20, 2022 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 19 CIHR grants worth more than $12 million
July 13, 2022 -  Whole-body approach needed to treat neuromuscular disease SMA
June 29, 2022 -  Breakthrough could revolutionize stroke treatment
June 22, 2022 -  Dr. Michael Rudnicki admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society
June 7, 2022 -  Do changes in brain metabolism play a role in autism? Prestigious grant to help researchers find out
April 29, 2022 -  The Ottawa Hospital’s push to demystify Parkinson’s disease
April 29, 2022 -  Meet Dr. Michael Schlossmacher
April 29, 2022 -  Meet Parkinson’s researcher Dr. Julianna Tomlinson
April 25, 2022 -  Meet brain and eye researcher Dr. Pierre Mattar
April 25, 2022 -  Meet brain researcher Julie Ouellette
April 4, 2022 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded five grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research
March 22, 2022 -  Men and women process pain signals differently
March 9, 2022 -  Research on brain blood vessels could lead to new treatments for brain diseases
March 3, 2022 -  The Ottawa Hospital Joins Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Expansion of the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), Landmark Study toward Better Treatments and Prevention of Disease
February 17, 2022 -  Study reinforces new treatment option for stroke prevention
February 5, 2022 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 18 CIHR grants worth more than $11 million
January 21, 2022 -  Physician mental health care visits increased 27 percent during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
January 21, 2022 -  Getting the clot out on first try improves outcomes for basilar artery stroke patients


November 26, 2021 -  Five scientists at The Ottawa Hospital ranked among world’s top researchers
November 12, 2021 -  Supercharging stem cells
October 26, 2021 -  Does Parkinson’s start in the nose? International team awarded US$9 million ASAP grant to find out
September 15, 2021 -  $2.4 M grant to help researchers develop gene and cell therapies for a leading cause of blindness
September 8, 2021 -  Could a drug that controls appetite also treat schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s? Mouse studies show promise.
August 18, 2021 -  A glimpse inside the mind of neurosurgery expert, Dr. Fahad Alkherayf
August 18, 2021 -  A conversation with Dr. Jess Fiedorowicz
August 10, 2021 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded eight grants worth $5 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
August 1, 2021 -  Is there a link between suicide and epidemics?
July 15, 2021 -  How well do COVID-19 vaccines work in people with cancer, immune conditions and other populations of interest?
July 15, 2021 -  How well do COVID-19 vaccines work in people with inherited and medication-related immune deficiencies?
June 28, 2021 -  Small study shows promising results with app for concussion recovery
June 25, 2021 -  Can a calculator predict your risk of dementia?
June 23, 2021 -  Motivational incentives make a difference for treating opioid use disorder
June 16, 2021 -  Melding mind and machine: Ottawa trial could lead to new technologies to help people with paralysis
June 2, 2021 -  Research unravels links between fasting, lifespan and muscle stem cells
May 31, 2021 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded three grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research
May 12, 2021 -  Stem cells go ‘all in’ to repair damaged muscles
May 5, 2021 -  ICU admission linked to higher rate of future suicide compared with other hospitalizations
April 30, 2021 -  Beyond the brain: how autism impacts the body
April 22, 2021 -  Experts on call: Stem cells, gene therapy and biotherapeutics
April 22, 2021 -  Experts on call: Parkinson’s care and research
April 6, 2021 -  Parkinson’s discovery points to possible future treatment approaches
March 17, 2021 -  Patient gets life-changing diagnosis thanks to Open Science
March 10, 2021 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 17 CIHR grants worth $7.5 million
March 10, 2021 -  Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and Faculty of Medicine support three translational research projects through Blueprint Excelerator
March 10, 2021 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Jess Fiedorowicz brings an interdisciplinary vision to mental health research
March 10, 2021 -  Study in mice reveals possible new target to treat schizophrenia
February 3, 2021 -  Tool predicts which mini-strokes could lead to major strokes
February 1, 2021 -  $1M investment fuels development of new therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
January 27, 2021 -  Can a diabetes drug help repair damaged nerve insulation? Mouse study shows it might.


December 11, 2020 -  Partnering with the marginalized
December 11, 2020 -  Dr. Eve Tsai and Dr. Adam Sachs work in very different ways to improve the lives of people with spinal cord injury
October 21, 2020 -  Drug can treat Parkinson’s-related drooling, study shows
September 21, 2020 -  HELP MD – A novel data-driven approach to study physician wellness
September 7, 2020 -  The Ottawa Hospital awarded six CIHR grants worth $2.6 million
September 1, 2020 -  Two researchers at The Ottawa Hospital receive Ontario Early Researcher Awards
August 10, 2020 -  Cannabis use in pregnancy linked to a greater risk of autism
July 13, 2020 -  Vascular development may be at risk in autism
July 10, 2020 -  Decoding the mystery of Parkinson’s disease
June 4, 2020 -  New mouse model to reveal insights into mild spinal muscular atrophy
June 4, 2020 -  Diabetes drug corrects some symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in mice
June 3, 2020 -  New Frontiers in Research Fund supports trailblazing research on autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
May 27, 2020 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Robert Fahed wants more people to benefit from life-saving stroke therapy
May 14, 2020 -  Updated Ottawa Rules app could help doctors predict strokes, catch deadly brain bleeds
April 29, 2020 -  Dr. Michael Rudnicki elected into the Royal Society
April 20, 2020 -  New tool helps predict risk of death, admission to long-term care for people with dementia
April 20, 2020 -  How are you coping during COVID-19?
March 2, 2020 -  Study in mice reveals possible new target to treat autism
February 25, 2020 -  Patient engagement in health research: 10 tips from people with lived experience
February 14, 2020 -  New neuromuscular network brings patients, scientists and clinicians together
February 3, 2020 -  The Ottawa Hospital awarded nine grants worth $5.6 million from Canadian Institutes of Health Research
January 23, 2020 -  Study in mice reveals a new target to treat Alzheimer’s disease


November 13, 2019 -  Researchers awarded $1.6M to improve care for cardiovascular disease
October 23, 2019 -  aSAH survivor and her daughter help advance stroke research
October 21, 2019 -  How a lucky accident helped spark a new era of depression research
October 2, 2019 -  Researchers reveal the circuitry regulating muscle stem cell function
September 25, 2019 -  Unravelling the mystery of how one gene contributes to Parkinson’s, Crohn’s and leprosy
September 24, 2019 -  Ottawa researcher plays key role in $53-million Alzheimer’s research project
September 10, 2019 -  Findings could improve quality of life for people with spinal muscular atrophy
August 8, 2019 -  Research could improve diagnosis of dangerous increase in brain pressure
August 7, 2019 -  Feature grant: Researchers investigate how cholesterol regulates inflammation in white blood cells
July 26, 2019 -  The Ottawa Hospital awarded 13 grants worth $11.2 million from Canadian Institutes of Health Research
July 25, 2019 -  Researchers bridge the gap between animal studies and new treatments for chronic pain
July 8, 2019 -  Dr. Hanns Lochmüller receives Canada Research Chair in Neuromuscular Genomics and Health
July 8, 2019 -  Researchers discover new kind of brain tumour
June 27, 2019 -  Common supplement being tested as potential treatment for progressive MS
June 26, 2019 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Fahad AlKherayf aims to improve minimally invasive brain surgery
May 29, 2019 -  Researchers get $745,000 boost from NSERC
May 17, 2019 -  $950,000 to help develop stem cell treatments for septic shock, lung injury and muscle degeneration
May 16, 2019 -  Clinical trials offer strong foundation for better patient care
April 24, 2019 -  Scientist investigates how two gene mutations contribute to autism
April 24, 2019 -  First step towards a database linking rare diseases with treatment options
April 11, 2019 -  Researchers honoured for outstanding work in Parkinson’s, critical care and surgery
March 15, 2019 -  New scientist profile: Dr. Hanns Lochmüller investigates rare neuromuscular disorders
March 15, 2019 -  Researcher brings made-in-Ottawa approach to Parkinson’s care to Europe
March 13, 2019 -  Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recommended as a standard of care for certain kinds of MS in the U.S.
February 14, 2019 -  Researchers to advance science and improve health with new CIHR funding
January 31, 2019 -  Discovery points to innovative new way to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy
January 9, 2019 -  Provincial innovation award for a computer tablet that could help stroke patients recover


November 28, 2018 -  Engaging patients in research every step of the way
November 21, 2018 -  Depression linked to “junk DNA” in the serotonin receptor gene
November 21, 2018 -  Worm study points to similarities in how neurons maintain their shape in old age and after damage
November 21, 2018 -  Researchers get $788,000 boost from NSERC
October 31, 2018 -  First responders to get mental health help at new research clinic
October 25, 2018 -  Study shows which stroke patients benefit most from clot-busting drug
October 10, 2018 -  Brain Health Awareness Week: October 15-19
October 2, 2018 -  Researchers awarded $1.7 M to tackle stroke and heart attack from multiple angles
August 30, 2018 -  Could leaky blood vessels be a target for treating migraines? Study opens up promising new area of research
August 16, 2018 -  The cancer’s gone but the fear remains: psychology researchers tackle fear of cancer recurrence
August 8, 2018 -  Diabetes drug could enhance stem cell treatment for stroke
June 7, 2018 -  Top Research Papers from The Ottawa Hospital 2015-2017
May 25, 2018 -  Researchers and support staff recognized at The Ottawa Hospital’s Excellence Awards ceremony
May 1, 2018 -  The Ottawa Hospital opens one-of-a-kind neuromuscular research centre
April 20, 2018 -  Could a molecule triggered by running help treat MS?
April 19, 2018 -  Discovery provides “profound new insight” into Duchenne muscular dystrophy
April 18, 2018 -  Could a skin cancer drug help treat stroke?
April 11, 2018 -  Can tiny bits of cells in the blood help track the progress of spinal muscular atrophy?
March 14, 2018 -  Freud-1 gene lives up to its name
March 2, 2018 -  Antidepressants and exercise in stroke recovery: surprising results from new mouse study
January 30, 2018 -  The Ottawa Hospital awarded $12.7M for research, double the national CIHR success rate


December 20, 2017 -  Stroke repair: study shows single pathway crucial for generating new stem cells, neurons and blood vessels
December 15, 2017 -  Researchers to test patient-centered approach to Parkinson’s care
December 13, 2017 -  Three Ottawa researchers among “world’s most influential scientific minds”
November 29, 2017 -  Pre-treated cells boost blood vessel repair
November 13, 2017 -  When is a headache a sign of a deadly brain bleed? Ottawa rule could improve diagnosis and save lives
October 26, 2017 -  Top trainee hopes his unexpected discovery may help children with spinal muscular atrophy
October 25, 2017 -  Award-winning scientist challenges medical dogma in quest to prevent, treat neurodegenerative disease
October 12, 2017 -  CFI provides $18-million boost to research on neuromuscular diseases, cancer-fighting viruses, the power of light and radioactive atoms
October 11, 2017 -  New worm model sheds light on ALS
October 11, 2017 -  Award-winning tool helps predict course of recovery from spinal cord injury
September 27, 2017 -  Ottawa neuromuscular researchers show global leadership
September 22, 2017 -  Extra maternal care prevents brain inflammation and reduces anxiety in mice
September 6, 2017 -  Ottawa scientist wins Canada's top stem cell prize for multiple sclerosis trial
July 28, 2017 -  Research suggests new anti-inflammatory approach for treating stroke
July 11, 2017 -  Dr. Paul Albert recognized for ground-breaking discoveries in mental health
June 15, 2017 -  Researchers get $558K boost from Heart and Stroke Foundation
June 14, 2017 -  Parkinson’s-related protein also protects against infections
June 2, 2017 -  Research on repairing MS damage gets $300,000 grant
June 1, 2017 -  Common acne medication shows promise in treating multiple sclerosis
May 25, 2017 -  Could stem cells heal premature lungs, fight infections, build muscles and strengthen bones?
May 19, 2017 -  The Ottawa Hospital awarded 18 research grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, worth $10.7 million
April 24, 2017 -  Worm study reveals the secrets of early spinal cord development
March 28, 2017 -  Prestigious Canada Gairdner Award honours Dr. Antoine Hakim’s championing of stroke prevention and treatment
March 9, 2017 -  Nerve cells in our brains work together in harmony to store and retrieve short-term memory
March 1, 2017 -  Ottawa man tests new technology for stroke recovery
February 1, 2017 -  Researchers investigate role of immune system in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
January 25, 2017 -  Grant helps researchers better study important young-onset Parkinson’s protein
January 5, 2017 -  Innovative computer tablet could help stroke patients recover
January 4, 2017 -  Information for patients: Chemo and blood stem cell transplantation for rare autoimmune diseases


November 17, 2016 -  Stem cell procedure sends patients with severe myasthenia gravis into remission
November 2, 2016 -  Grant helps researcher investigate the mind’s puzzles
October 11, 2016 -  Running triggers production of a molecule that repairs the brain in animal models of neurodegenerative disease
September 14, 2016 -  New model may lead to better treatments for depression after stroke
September 7, 2016 -  Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded $472,000 by Ontario Research Fund
August 17, 2016 -  Researchers find protein that keeps DNA from collapsing
August 10, 2016 -  $145,000 to help researchers investigate how the adult brain grows new cells
June 15, 2016 -  Experimental treatment gave new life to P.E.I. mother
June 9, 2016 -  MS breakthrough: Replacing diseased immune system halts progression and allows repair
June 1, 2016 -  Do the body’s own marijuana-like compounds play a role in schizophrenia? $150,000 grant will help researchers find out.
May 4, 2016 -  Cardiovascular researchers get $1.2M boost from Heart and Stroke Foundation
April 12, 2016 -  Ottawa researchers shine in SPOR funding announcement
March 31, 2016 -  Levodopa pumps new life into Ottawa Parkinson’s patient
March 30, 2016 -  $530,000 grant to find Canadians’ most important risk factors for dementia
March 9, 2016 -  Fighting back against chronic nerve pain: researchers get $295K to test combination therapy
March 2, 2016 -  Could an algorithm help treat bleeding strokes?
February 10, 2016 -  Ottawa researchers answer patient questions about stroke and stem cells
January 27, 2016 -  Can smartphone-assisted therapy help prevent suicide? Researchers get $1.7M grant to find out
January 27, 2016 -  Ottawa researchers identify the Mike Holmes of muscle stem cells


November 4, 2015 -  Research solves mystery of genetic risk factor for heart disease
October 28, 2015 -  Ottawa conference brings top researchers together to fight neuromuscular disease
October 6, 2015 -  Dr. Jeffrey Dilworth awarded $2.3 million for muscle regeneration research
September 16, 2015 -  Early intervention with iRecover could help stroke patients
September 9, 2015 -  Rare nerve disease linked to problems in cellular waste recycling
August 26, 2015 -  Novel genetic variant affects inflammation and may increase heart disease risk by 50%
August 21, 2015 -  New chair in spinal cord research brings hope for more first steps
August 19, 2015 -  Brain Health Awareness Week: September 14-19
July 28, 2015 -  The Ottawa Hospital awarded $28M from Canadian Institutes of Health Research for 22 research projects
July 7, 2015 -  Novel therapy seeks to bring light to post-stroke depression
June 30, 2015 -  Deep-brain stimulation brings a family doctor with Parkinson’s back from “the abyss”
June 17, 2015 -  Ottawa stroke researchers awarded nearly $500,000
May 13, 2015 -  Research linking Parkinson’s with the gut’s appendix receives top award
May 5, 2015 -  Tender Loving Research helping people with multiple sclerosis
March 5, 2015 -  Drug to control appetite could also fight anxiety: Ottawa study
February 18, 2015 -  Tender Loving Research improving care for stroke patients
January 29, 2015 -  The Ottawa Hospital leads first Canadian clinical trial of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis


November 26, 2014 -  Weston grants to accelerate development of new therapies for Parkinson disease and related dementias
August 25, 2014 -  Researchers in Ottawa achieve breakthrough with rare disease: Stem cells used to send “stiff person syndrome” into long-term remission
July 9, 2014 -  Silent strokes more common than thought; and a major cause of dementia
January 15, 2014 -  Possible new approach for controlling appetite and obesity
January 8, 2014 -  Michael J. Fox Foundation grant funds way to peer at Parkinson’s onset


November 27, 2013 -  Multiple sclerosis patients to benefit from new drug


October 18, 2012 -  Ottawa medical hero named to Canada’s 2013 Medical Hall of Fame
May 15, 2012 -  Mice with big brains provide insight into brain regeneration and developmental disorders
March 9, 2012 -  Canadian research paves the way for possible new treatment for bleeding strokes


October 3, 2011 -  Smoking causes stroke to occur nearly a decade earlier, study finds
September 30, 2011 -  Dr. Anthony Bella named one of the Top 100 Alumni of the last 100 years by Wilfred Laurier University
September 27, 2011 -  Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery receives multimillion dollar contribution to expand groundbreaking research
September 26, 2011 -  New research sheds light on relationship between inflammation, blood vessels and brain disorders
September 15, 2011 -  Neurosurgeon-scientist named one of Canada’s Top 25 Most Influential Women of 2011
September 1, 2011 -  New research sheds light on brain development
April 4, 2011 -  Study provides first link between two major Parkinson’s genes
February 25, 2011 -  New Parkinson’s gene discovered
February 23, 2011 -  Research reveals best approaches to evaluate bleeding in the brain
February 10, 2011 -  TIA patients with speech difficulties more likely to suffer from irregular heartbeat


October 29, 2010 -  Ottawa prevention clinic has huge impact on stroke rate, study finds
October 12, 2010 -  Top Parkinson’s researcher recruited to Ottawa
August 30, 2010 -  The Ottawa Hospital Establishes Canada’s First Men’s Health Research Chair
June 7, 2010 -  Ottawa neurosurgeon named one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40


November 26, 2009 -  $19.2M awarded to stroke research network led by OHRI / uOttawa scientist
February 22, 2009 -  OHRI stem cell transplant trial for multiple sclerosis profiled on national news


November 16, 2008 -  Dr. Mark Freedman interviewed about experimental mesenchymal stem cell treatment for multiple sclerosis
July 28, 2008 -  Discovery reveals link between Parkinson’s gene and red blood cell production
March 12, 2008 -  Vancouver Sun profiles patient in OHRI-led MS bone marrow stem cell transplant trial
January 21, 2008 -  The National features OHRI bone marrow stem cell transplant trial for MS
January 16, 2008 -  Ottawa researchers organize first national Parkinson’s disease meeting


December 15, 2007 -  OHRI researchers recognized for dystonia research
October 25, 2007 -  Top honours go to cancer and neuroscience researchers at the Ottawa Health Research Institute
July 5, 2007 -  Research reveals missing link in Parkinson’s disease and suggests new therapeutic target
June 4, 2007 -  Dr. Eve Tsai receives 2007 Young Clinician Investigator Award from the American Association of Neurological Surgeons