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Sexually transmitted infections

Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are investigating promising new approaches to prevent, diagnose and treat a wide range of sexually transmitted infections. Learn more below.

Research News

The next frontier in HIV research: Ottawa scientists to play key role in new $17M prevention and cure studies The next frontier in HIV research: Ottawa scientists to play key role in new $17M prevention and cure studies
August 14, 2019 - Despite great strides in HIV research, over 75,000 Canadians are living with HIV and approximately seven more contract it every day. And this incurable virus continues to take a huge toll around the world. The Government of Canada recently announced
Experimental contraceptive could give women the power to prevent pregnancy and STIs Experimental contraceptive could give women the power to prevent pregnancy and STIs
November 30, 2018 - While condoms are the gold standard for preventing pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), there is a need around the world for solutions that can be used independently by women. New research led by Dr. Nongnuj Tanphaichitr brings a pot