ELEVATE seed grants help researchers at The Ottawa Hospital launch new ideas and collaborations
March 3, 2025
The grants, worth a total of $198,000, will advance research on muscle disease, stroke, ovarian cancer and scleroderma.
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded 16 CIHR grants worth more than $8 million
February 3, 2025
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are leading 16 new projects funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) through the most recent operating grant competition.
Breast cancer rates rising among Canadian women in their 20s, 30s and 40s
April 26, 2024
Researchers highlight need for immediate shift in public health policy as early detection is key to reducing breast cancer death and complications.
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Researchers develop “field guide” to 22 ovarian cancer mouse models
February 14, 2024
Researchers use mouse models of ovarian cancer to better understand the disease and develop new treatments. However, it can be difficult to know which model is best for a particular experiment.
New scientist profile: Dr. David Cook surveys cellular diversity in ovarian cancer to find better treatments
January 26, 2024
“In addition to helping patients with ovarian cancer, I’m fascinated by the science of this disease, and how much we still have to learn."
Breast cancer screening before age 50 linked with better survival
August 4, 2023
Canadian provinces and territories that allowed women 40-49 to self-refer for organized breast cancer screening programs with annual mammograms had better survival and lower breast cancer mortality rates compared with those that did not, according to
Emergency department visits and hospitalizations for cannabis use during pregnancy almost doubled since legalization
May 23, 2023
The number of pregnancies that required treatment for cannabis use in the emergency department (ED) or during a hospitalization in Ontario increased by 82% (from 11 to 20 per 100,000 pregnancies) following legalization.
50 ways to repair an ovary? Study suggests multiple pathways can create stem-like ovarian cells
August 17, 2021
Approximately every 28 days, hundreds of cells die and disintegrate on the ovary’s surface as an egg breaks through and begins its journey. Ovaries have become masters at repairing this damage, but exactly how they do this remains a mystery.
Canadian study finds fewer breast cancers diagnosed between screens when women with dense breasts are offered more frequent mammograms
July 20, 2021
A new study published in the Canadian Association of Radiologists’ Journal shows that Canadian jurisdictions that offer more frequent mammograms to women with dense breasts had fewer cancers diagnosed between screens.
1 in 4 survey respondents who gave birth at The Ottawa Hospital during the 2020 spring lockdown experienced abusive behaviour from their partners before, during or after pregnancy
June 15, 2021
Survey results from 216 people who gave birth at The Ottawa Hospital between March and June 2020 showed that 52 (24 percent) experienced controlling or abusive behaviour from their partners during their perinatal period (one year pre-pregnancy, durin
Fewer domestic violence and sexual assault survivors presented for care in Ottawa EDs during the 2020 spring lockdown
February 4, 2021
The Ottawa Hospital saw a decrease in emergency department admissions for sexual assault and domestic violence in the early days of COVID-19, according to a study published in BMC Medicine.
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on women
December 30, 2020
Dr. Innie Chen is leading research to understand the impact of COVID-19 on women, thanks to seed funding through The Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.
The Ottawa Hospital awarded six CIHR grants worth $2.6 million
September 7, 2020
Could a common diabetes drug help prevent ovarian cancer? Can a tailored screening program help prevent eye disease in immigrants? Is sepsis different in females versus males, and if so, can this help us develop better treatments? These are just a fe
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on pregnant women and babies
June 25, 2020
Very little is known about how COVID-19 affects pregnant women and their babies. Drs. Darine El-Chaâr, Marc-André Langlois and their team plan to address this knowledge gap through several large studies. Dr Langlois’s team will be responsib
Feature grant: researchers investigate why women on hemodialysis are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease
June 5, 2019
Drs. Dylan Burger and Marcel Ruzicka were awarded $48,000 to find out why women on hemodialysis seem to be at greater risk of cardiovascular disease.
Experimental contraceptive could give women the power to prevent pregnancy and STIs
November 30, 2018
While condoms are the gold standard for preventing pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), there is a need around the world for solutions that can be used independently by women. New research led by Dr. Nongnuj Tanphaichitr brings a pot
High dose folic acid does not prevent preeclampsia in high-risk women
September 12, 2018
Taking high doses of folic acid throughout pregnancy does not prevent preeclampsia in high-risk women, according to a large international clinical trial published in The BMJ. This refutes the findings of previous observational studies and is expected
New blood sugar monitoring a game-changer for pregnant women with type 1 diabetes
October 24, 2017
Fifteen women at The Ottawa Hospital took part in an international clinical trial that could change the way mothers with type 1 diabetes monitor their blood sugar levels. Mothers with this condition have a higher risk of having children with health c
Research sheds light on how testosterone regulates female reproduction
April 7, 2017
Androgens such as testosterone are best known for promoting the development of the male reproductive system, as well as muscles and body hair. Androgens are also present in women and play a role in female reproduction and infertility, but the exact m
“Invaluable” study confirms blood thinners don’t prevent recurrent pregnancy complications
October 18, 2016
Two years ago, Dr. Marc Rodger thought he had settled the debate about the use of blood thinners in pregnant women at high risk of developing blood clots. His trial of 292 women in five countries – the largest of its kind – definitely showed that t
Putrescine water doubles fertility in aging females
June 24, 2015
New research led by Dr. Johné Liu shows that drinking water supplemented with putrescine can turn back the biological clock in aging female mice and help them have more babies. Putrescine is a naturally occurring small compound produced in many tissu
Grant valued at almost $1 million awarded for research into fetus and placenta health
September 17, 2014
Dr. Jay Baltz has been awarded a five-year grant valued at $936,703 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to study how the care and handling of a woman`s eggs prior to them being fertilized and placed in a uterus can impact the health