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Lung disease

Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are investigating promising new approaches to prevent, diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases that affect the lungs. Our work spans the full spectrum of research from basic science to clinical research to knowledge translation. Learn more below.

Research News

Could a preemie’s umbilical cord help repair their lungs? Could a preemie’s umbilical cord help repair their lungs?
February 11, 2025 - “Our results suggest we could one day test whether cells from a preemie’s umbilical cord might prevent them from developing a chronic lung disease.”
$2.8M grant to support Canada-wide trial of cell therapy for preterm babies $2.8M grant to support Canada-wide trial of cell therapy for preterm babies
September 16, 2024 - “This trial could change the way we care for premature babies. It’s my hope that these tiny patients will have a better chance to thrive, grow up, and have an impact on the world around them."
Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded three grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital awarded three grants for high risk, high reward and interdisciplinary research
June 18, 2024 - The New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) 2023 Exploration competition has awarded $33 million to support 133 research teams across Canada that bring diverse disciplines together in pursuit of breakthrough ideas and high-reward outcomes.
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Name Scientific appointment Diseases, conditions and populations of interest Research and clinical approaches
Aaron, Shawn
Senior Scientist
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cystic fibrosis, Lung disease, Asthma Clinical research
Addison, Christina
Senior Scientist
Bone and joint degeneration, Cancer, Lung cancer, Lung disease, Pancreatic cancer, Prostate cancer, Breast cancer Basic research, Clinical research, Cohort studies, Disease models, Drug development, Genetics, Imaging, Model organisms, Translational research, Molecular and cellular biology
Alvarez, Gonzalo
Senior Scientist
First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, Health in disadvantaged peoples, Infectious disease, Lung disease, Population health, Tuberculosis Clinical research, Epidemiology, Public health
Gilbert, Sebastien
Clinician Investigator
Cancer, Gastric cancer, Gastrointestinal disease, Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), Lung cancer, Lung disease Artificial intelligence and data science, Clinical research, Epidemiology, Health technology, Patient safety, Quality Improvement, Surgery
Kendzerska, Tetyana
Associate Scientist
Aging, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Heart disease, Lung disease, Population health, Women's health Biostatistics, Clinical research, Cohort studies, Epidemiology, Health research methods, Health services research, Systematic reviews
Klein, Ran
Clinician Investigator
Cancer, Heart disease, Kidney disease, Lung disease, Vascular, heart and metabolic disease Artificial intelligence and data science, Basic research, Bioinformatics, Biomarkers, Biostatistics, Clinical decision rules, Health technology, Imaging
Kwok, Chanel
Associate Scientist
Lung disease Epidemiology
Pakhale, Smita
MD, FRCPC, MSc (Epi & Biostat)
Senior Scientist
COVID-19, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, Health equity, Health in disadvantaged peoples, Lung disease, Sickle cell anemia Clinical research, Clinical trials, Cohort studies, Epidemiology, Health economics, Health promotion, Health services research, Patient engagement, Pragmatic trials, Public health, Quality Improvement
Thébaud, Bernard
Senior Scientist
Lung disease, Newborn and child health Cell therapy, Extracellular vesicles / exosomes, Molecular and cellular biology, Regenerative medicine, Stem cells, Translational research