Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting

Booking Schedule


  • To book an appointment for MoFlo XDP, please contact the facility coordinator, Fernando Ortiz, by email at fortiz@ohri.ca or by phone at (613) 737 8899 x73916.
  • Please check the available dates on the calendar to help you book your appointment. Hours of operation from 9:30 to 17:00.
  • First time users need to fill in the Client sort information form and the Biohazardous Material Transfer Notification and send them to fortiz@ohri.ca.
  • Bookings need to be done 48 hours prior to the session to ensure the appropriate set up of the equipment (check Fee Structure and Booking Policies).


  • To use the SONY MA900, the user requires a personal training on the instrument provided by Fernando Ortiz or Carole Dore. Once the training is provided and exam passed, the user will be granted access to the SONYMA900 calendar below.
  • The instrument is available 24/7, but we recommend using it between 9:00 to 17:00 in case of assistance from the laboratory managers.
  • The bookings need to include 45 minutes regarding set up and cleaning of the instrument between usage.
  • We recommend the use of a new chip per every new user booking. Only in certain cases you can reuse the chip installed by a previous user.

BD Fortessa

  • All the users of the BD LSR Fortessa must be trained by Fernando Ortiz or prove that they have received appropriate training (a test must be passed in other to operate the instrument).
  • When booking, remember to add additional time to shut down and clean up procedures, as these must be performed at the end of the session to avoid contamination for future users.
  • The instrument is available 24/7, but we recommend using it between 9:00 to 17:00 in case of assistance from the laboratory managers.

Cytek Aurora

  • To use the Cytek Aurora, the user requires a personal training on the instrument provided by Fernando Ortiz or Carole Dore. Once the training is provided and exam passed, the user will be granted access to the calendar below.
  • When booking, remember to add additional time to shut down and clean up procedures, as these must be performed at the end of the session to avoid contamination for future users.
  • The instrument is available 24/7, but we recommend using it between 9:00 to 17:00 in case of assistance from the laboratory managers.